Counseling and Psychological Services

draft podcast and videos

Emergency Contacts

GMU Crisis Service:
703-993-2380, option 1
GMU Police: 703-993-2810

Mason chooses kindness and the impact of Kindness on Mental Health with Phil Wilkerson

Derek Vigon, Psy.D. Panel Discussion – Exercise for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Balancing the Mind, Body, and Plate Video

Derek Vigon, Psy.D. – COVID-19 and Mental Health with Mason Student-Athletes

Matthew Carlos, Student Support and Advocacy, Food Insecurity and Patriot Pantry

Veronica Hayes, Dietitian – Balancing the Mind, Body, and Plate

Alex Harrison, LPC – Working with LGBTQ+ Population

Philip Wilkerson, University Career Services – Counseling and Black Male Stigma

Tips for Living in the Residence Halls

Mason CARES Suicide Prevention Training 

CAPS Resiliency Presentation