Counseling and Psychological Services

Suicide Prevention

Emergency Contacts

GMU Crisis Service:
703-993-2380, option 1
GMU Police: 703-993-2810

Suicide Prevention Training for the Mason Community

SOS for Higher Ed: Suicide Prevention for Students, Faculty, and Staff

SOS for Higher Ed includes two 30-minute, self-guided online training courses for students, faculty, and staff. The trainings include video and interactive learning to teach everyone on campus how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) in their role in suicide prevention.

SOS for Higher Ed uses real and diverse stories of mental health struggles and recovery along with modeled scenarios to provide all learners with actionable steps to help someone in need.

We encourage everyone in our community to take 30 minutes to learn:

  • How to recognize signs of suicide risk
  • How to have caring conversations that encourage someone to seek help
  • How to build community connections that foster positive mental well-being
  • An overview of available student mental health resources, on and off-campus

Instructions for anyone in the George Mason community to access the trainings:

  1. Visit and click “Create Account”.
  2. Enter your name, email address, and chosen password. Click “Create”.
  3. Enter the redemption code GMU and click “Next”.
  4. View the dashboard and choose SOS for Higher Ed for Students or SOS for Higher Ed for Faculty and Staff.


NOTE: Accessing the following links may direct you away from this website. As Mason does not support these particular websites, we cannot guarantee the accessibility of their web content.

Counseling and Psychological Services has created this page to provide resources, crisis support services, and training opportunities for suicide prevention for the Mason community.

Safety Plan

Download a copy of our Safety Plan (Word) to complete a personalized safety plan which includes emergency/crisis contact information. A safety plan can be a helpful tool to use when one is experiencing heightened levels of stress/distress.

Helping a Friend in Crisis

Read our write up on how to help a friend in crisis, including the DOs and DONTs when responding to a friend in distress or who is having suicidal thoughts. To access the write-up, please visit: Helping A Friend in Crisis

Suicide Prevention Resources


24/7 In-Crisis Lifelines


ProtoCall Services


Self-Care Resources