If you are concerned about a student, you can make a referral through the Student Support and Advocacy Center
We provide consultations to faculty and staff on how to address student concerns that may arise in their work with a student. If faculty or staff have such a situation, they can call us and consult with a counselor. Additionally, Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress: A Faculty Handbook is a free E-Book available to all Virginia colleges and universities. To view the accessible PDF, please visit the site at the following link: https://campussuicidepreventionva.org/recognizing-and-responding-to-students-in-distress-a-faculty-handbook. We invite you to consider how you might use these resources in your work with students. Please visit the Students of Concern links for additional resources.
Services are available to currently enrolled students only. We do not provide direct counseling services to faculty or staff (this includes faculty or staff who are using only their employee benefit to enroll as students). If you need assistance with finding referrals for outside therapists, please visit our Community Provider Database. For information about benefits, please contact Mason Human Resources and/or click on the Human Resources page on Benefits.
All health plans offered at Mason to employees and their dependents have employee assistance programs (EAPs). Included are up to four sessions at no charge for such services as mental health, alcohol or drug abuse assessment, child or elder care, grief counseling and legal or financial services.