Counseling and Psychological Services


Emergency Contacts

GMU Crisis Service:
703-993-2380, option 1
GMU Police: 703-993-2810

Counseling and Psychological Services is here to help your child be a successful member of the Mason community both within and outside of the classroom. Through the personal counseling offered by Psychological Services and the academic coaching offered by Learning Services, we strive to help your student grow and develop the skills that foster success at Mason and beyond.

Our staff of mental health clinicians and learning specialists work collaboratively with your child to identify steps toward addressing any personal, interpersonal and academic concerns. Our office may be a good fit for your student or there may be other more appropriate resources either on Mason’s campus or in the larger community—our staff will work with your child to assess what is most suitable.

Our work with students is confidential with the exceptions identified in state laws and the American Psychological Association code of ethics. Services are free and are not part of your child’s academic record. For more information about confidentiality laws, please refer to our Confidentiality page.